Manufacturers have faced a slew of challenges in recent years: rocketing energy prices and supply chain disruptions being just two of them. But cloud technology has turned out to be something of a godsend in such difficult circumstances. It has empowered manufacturers in this sector to boost efficiency, enhance productivity and make tangible cost savings, for example.

Labelling is the unsung hero in all of this. While it’s often taken for granted, labelling plays an indispensable role; it is, in effect, an item’s passport as it passes along the supply chain. Streamlining label management through cloud-based software solutions is therefore crucial, as it helps to reduce the risk of shipping delays – with the reputational damage that goes with them – as well as compliance issues and product recalls, which can be highly damaging.

Connecting warehouses, factories and distribution centres at the various stages of the supply chain is a complicated business. This is why cloud-based tools are playing such an important role in preventing missteps and thereby keeping customers satisfied.

Safety and quality control

Cloud labelling is making it easier for the food and beverage industry to adhere to the raft of recent legislation which has impacted the sector. This includes, in particular, Natasha’s Law, which requires retailers selling food that’s been prepared on their premises to provide clear and complete ingredient information and allergen labelling.

One of the most important benefits of cloud-based software solutions is that they can conduct real-time compliance checks. This means that any non-compliant elements, or label errors, are highlighted sooner so that any compliance gaps or other issues can be addressed swiftly – which substantially reduces the risk of incurring financial penalties or other punishments.

Most importantly of all, these tools enable food and beverage manufacturers to enhance consumer safety – which always has to be the top priority – and helps them safeguard their customers by ensuring that labelling is complete, accurate and compliant, while also enabling them to successfully navigate a complex, ever-changing regulatory landscape.

Supply chain management

The United Nations has forecast that global food requirements will double by 2050. This means that robust international supply chains will be central if we’re to meet this level of demand and keep the world’s people fed.

Cloud technology can play an important part here. Through real-time visibility, seamless collaboration and data-driven insights for better decision-making, the cloud is already helping to optimise inventory management and reduce wastage while making distribution processes more efficient and responsive.

In addition, the cloud enables food and beverage manufacturers to embrace a flexible labelling process that delivers real benefits in enhanced scalability, standardisation, reliability and easier configuration. It also helps them accommodate remote workforces and seamlessly extend labelling to new partners and suppliers, thereby improving supply chain continuity.

These are just some of the operational benefits provided by the cloud. On top of this, cloud tech also offers significant opportunities for cost savings and makes enterprise systems accessible to businesses of all sizes – even those subject to tight budgetary and resource constraints. Likewise, it helps firms cut staff costs and manpower hours, while alleviating hardware-related expenses along with costs associated with software scaling and updates.


Sustainability is arguably one of the most pressing issues of our time – and businesses are expected to play their role. It’s also a key concern for consumers, who are actively seeking out sustainable food brands. This is why, according to Gartner, supply chain leaders are increasingly looking for more sustainably-sourced ingredients for their food and beverage products.

With increased pressure on businesses to make their operations more environmentally friendly, it’s all the more important to ensure that labelling processes are less wasteful. Inefficient labelling, of course, can lead to product recalls and unnecessary waste – which can undo much of the good work already being done by manufacturers regarding sustainability.

Also, cloud-based labelling is helping to improve product traceability throughout the entire lifecycle. Because manufacturers have access to data captured in real time, they can ensure the accuracy of labelling and product information from sourcing through to disposal. This enables them to make their practices more sustainable – an important consideration for businesses committed to meeting their ESG goals.

Meeting regulatory and consumer demand

Food and beverage manufacturers are faced with a complex regulatory landscape and changing consumer pressures, as the general public comes to expect greater sustainability from brands. Cloud-based labelling solutions are already helping manufacturers meet their sustainability targets.

Over the coming years, we’re likely to see the food and beverage sector continuing to embrace cloud technology. In this way, manufacturers can continue to enhance their environmental sustainability without sacrificing competitiveness, while creating products that meet the evolving expectations and requirements both of regulatory bodies and ordinary consumers.

At Cobalt, we offer fast, flexible, efficient and low-cost labelling software, from Loftware. Speak to us today and we’ll help you find the ideal labelling solution to suit both your needs and your budget.